Glen's Heart

Glen's Heart – the voice of a daddy standing up for his baby with a life threatening heart defect

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Glen was born on the 3rd February 2016 at 3:13 AM. He was diagnosed with a severe congenital heart defect called “hypoplastic left heart”. In the first week of his life he has to undergo a first difficult operation.

His daddy tells the story and asks if you would help believe in miracles that one day Glen can lead unrestricted life.

We created this website to inform our family, relatives, friends and all who are intersted.

Glen's Heart – Blog

5 Years after Heart Surgery


In this video I share how Glen is doing almost 5 years after his severe heart surgery.

Liecht ids Läbe (Song: "Light into your Life")


Listen in to our Swiss-German song: "Light into your Life"

Merry Christmas!


We wish you a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for all your prayers and support towards Glen.

Finally another update


Glen is now 4 months old & the next challenges await him. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts towards Glen.

Welcome home, Glen


Miracles do happen! Glen was able to come home 2 weeks after his second big operation. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts towards Glen.

Glen's second operation was successful on 29th February 2016


Glen's second heart operation on the 29th February 2016 was successful. Thank you for your prayers. The first 2 days after the operation are still very critical.

Glen's second operation 29th February 2016


Glen will be having his second heart operation on the 29th February 2016. Thank you for your prayers.

Our Toughest Challenge after Glen's first Operation: Patience


After Glen's first heart operation on 8th February 2016 we as parents need to be patient and simply wait and see how things develop.

Prayer for Glen from UCB Radio England


Thank you UCB Radio England for your touching prayer for Glen today!

Glen's first operation 8th February 2016


The operation on 8th February 2016 went extremely well. He's recovering unusually fast!

Glen needs a miracle tomorrow


In this video I summarize the story of Glen's first few days after birth.
